DSPS Test Center Rules

A valid photo ID is required for testing. 
Valid forms of ID include: SBCC student ID, CA driver's license or a passport.

  1. Show up on time. Being late may result in not being able to take the test until instructor confirmation is received, and it may reduce your testing time.

  2. DSPS is unable to reschedule tests without email confirmation from your instructor.

  3. No cell phones, smart watches, or other personal electronics allowed in the testing area. Please turn off all electronics and place them in your backpack or surrender them to the test proctor.

  4. Only instructor approved items are permitted on your desk. Calculator lids, pencil pouches, wallets, purses, hats or other sundry items are not allowed in the testing area.

  5. Online tests can be taken at one of our DSPS Test Center computers. Unauthorized internet browsing is not allowed. 

  6. Plan on taking care of your personal needs before testing (restroom breaks, food, etc.).  Leaving the test center for any reason is discouraged, and when it occurs it will be communicated to your instructor.

  7. Read instructions carefully before you begin your test. If you are not sure of directions, check with a test proctor at the proctor station.

  8. You are responsible for monitoring your own test time. Special time management request must be pre-approved as an accommodation.  If time permits, a courtesy 10 minute warning may be given to you.

  9. If and when allowed, return all scratch paper, note cards and/or other test related materials used during the test to the test proctor.

  10. Any talking in the test center must be directed to a test proctor. Do not initiate or respond to any form of communication with other students in the test center.

  11. The DSPS Test Center is a Fragrance-Free environment. Please refrain from using scented products.

  12. No food or drinks allowed in the test area. Bottled water only, please.

  13. The DSPS Test Center is monitored by video cameras, any irregularities will be reported to your instructor.

  14. DSPS has a zero tolerance policy for any form of cheating. Irregularities will be reported to your instructor and/or the Dean of Student Conduct.