Bougainvillea is a native flower to Santa Barbara and grows outside of SBCC's Student Services Building.

Board Policies and Administrative Procedures


The Board of Trustees of the Santa Barbara Community College District has adopted the District Mission Statement and Board policies to describe the operations of the Board, and to broadly govern the District consistent with legal requirements and the Board’s responsibilities. The authority for these policies arises from California law including Education and Government Codes, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, and accreditation standards.

In adopting these policies, the Board intends to focus the District upon its mission and institutional success, and to foster public understanding and support of the District and its educational programs. These policies apply and provide direction to the District, its employees, and the Board as they carry out their responsibilities.  

Board policies implement and interpret the law and applicable standards. They are not intended to, and cannot conflict with or override, the law. If a conflict arises, the applicable law prevails. Similarly, the District has collective bargaining agreements with many of its employees that may alter or expand upon aspects of these policies to the extent allowed and agreed.

Board policies do not cover all laws and requirements that apply to the District. Many of the policies repeat some aspects of existing law in order to highlight areas of institutional interest or facilitate understanding of requirements that govern the operations of the District. Board policies also supplement and provide more specific direction on important topics than the law or accreditation standards alone provide. Many Board policies have associated administrative procedures that contain further detail on implementing Board policies. All Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are included here.

The policies and procedures available below are currently under review. Please contact the Office of the President at for more information about Board Policies and Administrative Procedures. 

Suggest a Policy or Procedure Review

Glossary of Terms

The Glossary of Terms defines the District's key titles and terminology used throughout the board policies and administrative procedures.    

Chapter 1: The District

Chapter 2: Board of Trustees

Chapter 3: General Institution

Chapter 4: Academic Affairs

Chapter 5: Student Services

Chapter 6: Business and Fiscal Affairs

Chapter 7: Human Resources

Board Policies
Administrative Procedures
Chapter 1     The District
BP 1100 Santa Barbara Community College District  
BP 1200 Mission  
Chapter 2     Board of Trustees
BP 2010 Board Membership  
BP 2015 Student Trustee AP 2015 Student Trustee
BP 2100 Board Elections  

BP 2105 Election of Student Trustee

AP 2105 Election of Student Trustee
BP 2110 Vacancies on the Board AP 2110 Vacancies on the Board
BP 2130 Term Limits  
BP 2200 Board Duties and Responsibilities  
BP 2210 Officers  
BP 2220 Committees of the Board  
BP 2305 Annual Organizational Meeting  
BP 2310 Regular Meetings of the Board  
BP 2315 Closed Sessions  
BP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings AP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings
BP 2330 Quorum and Voting  
BP 2340 Agendas AP 2340 Agendas
BP 2345 Public Participation at Board Meetings  
BP 2350 Speakers  
BP 2355 Decorum  
BP 2360 Minutes  
BP 2365 Recording  
BP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures AP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
BP 2430 Delegation of Authority to the Superintendent/President  
BP 2431 Superintendent/President Selection AP 2431 Superintendent/President Selection
BP 2432 Superintendent/President Succession  
BP 2435 Evaluation of the Superintendent/President AP 2435 Evaluation of the Superintendent/President
BP 2510 Participation in Local Decision-Making AP 2510 Participation in Governance and Local Decision-Making
BP 2610 Presentation of Collective Bargaining Proposals  
BP 2710 Conflict of Interest AP 2710 Conflict of Interest
  AP 2712 Conflict of Interest Code
  AP 2714 Distribution of Tickets or Passes
BP 2715 Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice  
BP 2716 Political Activity  
BP 2717 Personal Use of Public Resources  
BP 2720 Communications among Board Members  
BP 2725 Board Member Compensation  
BP 2730 Board Member Health Benefits  
BP 2735 Board Member Travel AP 2735 Board Member Travel
BP 2740 Board Education  
BP 2745 Board Self-Evaluation  
BP 2750 Board Member Absence from the State  
Chapter 3     General Institution
BP 3050 Institutional Code of Professional Ethics  
BP 3052 Employee Student Relationships  
BP 3100 Organizational Structure  AP 3100 Organizational Structure
BP 3200 Accreditation AP 3200 Accreditation
BP 3250 Institutional Planning AP 3250 Institutional Planning
BP 3255 Program Evaluation AP 3255 Program Evaluation
BP 3280 Grants AP 3280 Grants
BP 3300 Public Records AP 3300 Public Records
BP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction AP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction
BP 3400 Protected Classes  
BP 3410 Nondiscrimination AP 3410 Nondiscrimination
BP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity AP 3420 Equal Employment Opportunity
BP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment AP 3430 Prohibition of Harassment

BP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

AP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX: Definitions


AP 3434 Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX

  AP 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and Investigations
BP 3440 Service Animals AP 3440 Service Animals
BP 3445 Animals on Campus AP 3445 Animals on Campus
BP 3500 Campus Safety AP 3500 Campus Safety
BP 3501 Campus Security and Access AP 3501 Campus Security and Access
BP 3505 Emergency Operations Plan AP 3505 Emergency Operations Plan
BP 3510 Workplace Violence AP 3510 Workplace Violence
BP 3515 Required Reporting of Crimes AP 3515 Required Reporting of Crimes
  AP 3516 Registered Sex Offender Information
BP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting AP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting
BP 3520 Local Law Enforcement AP 3520 Local Law Enforcement
BP 3530 Weapons on Campus AP 3530 Weapons on Campus
BP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus AP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
BP 3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program AP 3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program
BP 3555 Tobacco-Free and Smoke-Free Campus  
BP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages AP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages
BP 3710 Copyright Compliance AP 3710 Copyright Compliance
BP 3715 Intellectual Property AP 3715 Intellectual Property
BP 3720 Computer and Network Use AP 3720 Computer and Network Use
BP 3725 Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use AP 3725 Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use
BP 3730 Web Standards AP 3730 Web Standards
BP 3810 Claims Against the District AP 3810 Claims Against the District
BP 3820 Gifts  
  AP 3830 Art in Public Places
BP 3900 Speech: Time, Place, and Manner AP 3900 Speech: Time, Place, and Manner
Chapter 4     Academic Affairs
BP 4010 Academic Calendar AP 4010 Academic Calendar
BP 4020 Curriculum AP 4020 Curriculum
BP 4021 Establishing, Modifying or Discontinuing Programs  
  AP 4022 Course Approval
BP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for AS Degree & GE AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for AS Degree & GE
  AP 4026 Philosophy and Criteria for International Ed
BP 4030 Academic Freedom  
BP 4040 Library Services AP 4040 Library Services
BP 4050 Articulation AP 4050 Articulation
BP 4070 Course Auditing AP 4070 Course Auditing
BP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
BP 4101 Independent Study AP 4101 Independent Study
BP 4102 Career and Technical Programs AP 4102 Career and Technical Programs
BP 4103 Cooperative Work Experience AP 4103 Cooperative Work Experience
BP 4104 Contract Education AP 4104 Contract Education
BP 4105 Distance Education AP 4105 Distance Education
BP 4220 Standards of Scholarship  
  AP 4222 Basic Skills Coursework
BP 4225 Course Repetition AP 4225 Course Repetition
BP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments AP 4226 Multiple and Overlapping Enrollments
  AP 4227 Repeatable Courses
  AP 4228 Course Repetition: Significant Lapse of Time
BP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols AP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols
BP 4231 Grade Changes AP 4231 Grade Changes
  AP 4232 Pass/No Pass
BP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning AP 4235 Credit for Prior Learning
  AP 4236 Advanced Placement Credit
BP 4240 Academic Renewal AP 4240 Academic Renewal
BP 4250 Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission AP 4250 Academic Notice
  AP 4255 Academic Notice, Dismissal and Readmission
BP 4260 Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories, and Limitations on Enrollment AP 4260 Prerequisites, Corequisites, Advisories, and Limitations on Enrollment
BP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions AP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions
BP 4400 Community Services Programs  
  AP 4500 Student News Media
  AP 4610 Instructional Service Agreements
Chapter 5     Student Services
BP 5010 Admissions and Dual (Concurrent) Enrollment AP 5010 Admissions
  AP 5011 Admission and Dual (Concurrent) Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students
BP 5012 International Students AP 5012 International Students
  AP 5013 Students in the Military
BP 5015 Residence Determination AP 5015 Residence Determination
BP 5020 Nonresident Tuition AP 5020 Nonresident Tuition
BP 5030 Fees AP 5030 Fees
  AP 5031 Instructional Materials Fees
BP 5035 Withholding of Student Records AP 5035 Withholding of Student Records
BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy AP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy
  AP 5045 Student Records-Challenging Content and Access Log
BP 5050 Student Equity and Achievement Program AP 5050 Student Success and Support Program
BP 5052 Open Enrollment AP 5052 Open Enrollment
BP 5055 Enrollment Priorities and Limitations AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities
BP 5070 Attendance AP 5070 Attendance
BP 5075 Course Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals AP 5075 Course Adds, Drops, and Withdrawals
BP 5100 Student Support Services  
BP 5110 Counseling AP 5110 Counseling
BP 5120 University Transfer Center AP 5120 University Transfer Center
BP 5130 Financial Aid AP 5130 Financial Aid
BP 5140 Disability Services and Programs for Students AP 5140 Disability Services and Programs for Students
BP 5150 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services AP 5150 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 
  AP 5160 Veterans' Support
  AP 5170 Career Services
  AP 5180 Student Activities
BP 5190 President's Honor Roll  
BP 5200 Student Health Services AP 5200 Student Health Services
  AP 5203 Lactation Accommodation
BP 5205 Student Accident Insurance  
BP 5210 Communicable Disease AP 5210 Communicable Disease
BP 5300 Student Equity AP 5300 Student Equity
BP 5400 Associated Student Government AP 5400 Associated Student Government
BP 5410 Associated Student Government Elections AP 5410 Associated Student Government Elections
BP 5420 Associated Student Government Funds AP 5420 Associated Student Government Funds
BP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct AP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
BP 5510 Student Organizations: Off-Campus AP 5510 Student Organizations: Off-Campus
  AP 5520 Student Discipline Procedures
  AP 5530 Student Rights and Grievances
BP 5550 Academic Integrity AP 5550 Academic Integrity
BP 5570 Student Credit Card Solicitation and Use AP 5570 Student Credit Card Solicitation
  AP 5610 Voter Registration
BP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics AP 5700 Intercollegiate Athletics
BP 5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions AP 5800 Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions
Chapter 6     Business and Fiscal Affairs
BP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs AP 6100 Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
BP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures  AP 6150 Designation of Authorized Signatures
BP 6200 Budget Preparation AP 6200 Budget Preparation 
BP 6225 Principles of Budget Development  
BP 6250 Budget Management AP 6250 Budget Management
BP 6300 Fiscal Management AP 6300 Fiscal Management
BP 6305 Reserves  
BP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management AP 6307 Debt Issuance and Management
BP 6320 Investments AP 6320 Investments
  AP 6322 Employee Indemnity Bonds
BP 6325 Payroll AP 6325 Payroll
BP 6330 Purchasing AP 6330 Purchasing
BP 6340 Contracts AP 6340 Bids and Contracts
  AP 6345 Bids and Contracts: UPCCAA
  AP 6350 Contracts: Construction
  AP 6355 Contracts: Job Order Contracts
  AP 6360 Contracts: Electronic Systems and Materials
  AP 6365 Contracts: Accessibility of Information Tech
  AP 6370 Contracts: Personal Services
  AP 6380 Vendors
BP 6400 Financial Audits AP 6400 Financial Audits
BP 6500 Property Management AP 6500 Property Management
BP 6520 Security for District Property  
  AP 6530 District Vehicles
  AP 6535 Use of District Equipment
BP 6540 Insurance AP 6540 Insurance
BP 6550 Disposal of District Personal Property AP 6550 Disposal of District Personal Property
BP 6600 Capital Construction AP 6600 Capital Construction
BP 6620 Naming of Buildings, Facilities, Grounds, and Programs in Appreciation and Recognition for Contributions AP 6620 Naming of Buildings, Facilities, Grounds, and Programs in Appreciation and Recognition for Contributions
BP 6700 Civic Center Use AP 6700 Civic Center Use
BP 6740 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee AP 6740 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
BP 6750 Parking AP 6750 Parking
BP 6760 Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Blades, and Similar Roller Devices AP 6760 Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Blades and Similar Roller Devices
BP 6800 Health and Safety AP 6800 Health and Safety
  AP 6850 Hazardous Materials
BP 6900 Campus Store AP 6900 Campus Store
BP 6910 Student Housing  
Chapter 7     Human Resources
BP 7100 Diversity in Employment  
BP 7120 Recruitment and Selection  AP 7120 Recruitment and Selection
  AP 7125 Verification of Eligibility for Employment
  AP 7126 Background Checks
BP 7130 Compensation  
BP 7140 Collective Bargaining  
BP 7145 Personnel Files AP 7145 Personnel Files
BP 7150 Employee Performance Evaluations  
  AP 7151 Evaluation of Faculty
BP 7160 Professional Development AP 7160 Professional Development
BP 7210 Academic Employees: Faculty AP 7210 Academic Employees: Faculty
BP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies
BP 7212 Part-Time and Temporary Faculty AP 7212A Part-Time Faculty
  AP 7212B Temporary Contract Faculty
  AP 7214 Part Time Faculty: Office Hours
BP 7215 Probationary Contract Faculty  
BP 7216 Faculty Grievances AP 7216 Faculty Grievances
  AP 7217 Employee Emeritus Status
  AP 7220 Department Chairpersons
BP 7230 Classified Employees  
  AP 7232 Classification Review
  AP 7233 Work Out of Classification
  AP 7234 Overtime
  AP 7236 Substitute and Short Term Employees
BP 7240 Confidential Employees AP 7240 Confidential Employees
BP 7250 Academic Employees: Educational Administrators AP 7250 Academic Employees: Educational Administrators
BP 7260 Classified Supervisors and Managers  
  AP 7270 Student Workers
BP 7310 Nepotism AP 7310 Nepotism
BP 7330 Communicable Disease  AP 7330 Communicable Disease 
  AP 7336 Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis
  AP 7337 Fingerprinting
BP 7340 Leaves   
BP 7341 Sabbatical Leaves  AP 7341 Sabbatical Leaves
  AP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave
  AP 7344 Notifying the District of Illness
BP 7345 Catastrophic Leave Program  
  AP 7348 Accommodations
BP 7350 Resignations or Retirements  
BP 7360 Discipline: Academic Employees  
BP 7361 Dismissal: Academic Employees  
BP 7362 Reduction in Faculty  
BP 7365 Discipline: Classified Employees AP 7365 Discipline and Dismissals-Classified Employees
BP 7370 Political Activity AP 7370 Political Activity
  AP 7371 Personal Use of Public Resources
BP 7380 Eligibility for Retiree Health Benefits AP 7380 Retiree Health Benefits
BP 7385 Salary Deductions  
BP 7400 Travel and Conference AP 7400 Travel and Conference
  AP 7500 Professional Volunteers
BP 7510 Domestic Partners  
BP 7600 District Security AP 7600 District Security
BP 7700 Whistleblower Protection AP 7700 Whistleblower Protection
BP 7800 Incompatible Activities